Wednesday, October 24, 2007

not much for new news

Well, It's now Wednesday, I haven't yet see the pulmonologist or family practice docs today. They must all take Wednesdays off!!!

They had to change the Heparine dose again. They've lowered it this time, so therefore, I get more blood draws! Oh joy! They have to have two consecutive levels every six hours adjust the heparin level. Now I just have to wait and hope. My next draw will be around 730 this evening. Lets hope its the same at the 130 this afternoon draw. I have't heard what my INR was today, then again, I keep forgetting to ask!

Yesterday was a tough day. Around 230 in the afternoon, I had a very sharp pain in the right side of my chest and experienced SOB, the doctor happened to be there at that time. My ECG was normal, but my O2 saturation was low again and my blood pressure went up. So, they sent me for a third CT scan. The results of this scan showed no difference from Monday's scan, which showed approximately 70% of the clots were gone. So now my question is why aren't more of the clots dissappearing?? What is going on with my body??

Today, I found a very strange bruise with a lump on my upper left arm very near to my armpit. I informed the nurse, but havne't heard from the doc yet. I've been quite tired today and get worn out easily. I cleaned myself up and washed my hair, and was just pooped! I feel like I get winded easily. I've been taking my laps around the nurses station and just watching everything I'm doing. Today I've been attempting to study. I'm getting some reading done, but not enough. You would think the situation would be ideal, but it's really noisy, the staff keeps on coming in to ask more and more questions, and I'm drinking so much water in order to flush all the CT contrast dye out of my system in order to not have kidney problems, that I'm peeing all the time!!!! If I receive much more contrast, I'm going to be glowing like one of those glow necklaces you get at a carnival!!! My blood sugars have been pretty good, which is a good thing, at least one thing is starting to work in my favor!!!!

I've had lots of visitors and lots of love. There is no shortage of love and prayers which I am forever grateful for. Thanks everyone for your positive thoughts and I'm doing my best to get the hell out of here. I'm really miserable!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Amy, I've been thinking of you alot. I wish I could get out there to visit, but just know you're in my thoghts.

As for the odd bruising, it maybe just from all the blood thinners. When I was on heparin I swear I bruised like a peach. Barely touched something and got an ugly bruise. It wasn't so bad on the Lovenox so maybe the coumadin will be better. Keep your chin up! It will get better.