Friday, July 27, 2007

mom hits a milestone's already been decided that I'm a notoriously bad blogger. I guess I just feel as though I really have nothing new and exciting and my life is actually quite boring and who really wants to read about that??

But is mom's 55th birthday. Hopefully she has a wonderful day.

Two weekends ago Dawn, Dan and I joined the Ryans for a camping trip. Dawn proved to be the bags queen. She also made us giggle with her headlamp antics, A*@hole skills, bathroom seeking skills, and her comments about how much work camping is as she watched Dan and I set up and tear down the tent!!! Great time was had by all. Enjoy a few pictures...

Dan had his tonsils and part of his uvula removed last week. The surgery went very well and he's recovering nicely. Plus, he gets the magical benefit of losing 15 pounds in the process....ah, the beauty of surgery! Nah, I'm just kidding, he was a bit miserable for the first couple days but came through like a champ.
Work is work, no changes there.
I officially start nursing school in one month!! It's The Final Countdown...(que in cheesy 80's music)
Looking forward to girls night out this weekend, my work camping trip next weekend, and then I'm off to MN with Dan's family. Meg, Joel, and Jean...watchout...I'll be giving you a call!!!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Are you Dan??

It was a wonderful weekend. Dan accompanied me on his first (hopefully of many) Ryan Family Picnics. Needless to say he was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of people there!! He later told me that he didn't know if he'd ever remember everyone's name!!! But he felt safe in asking any of the male members of the family if their name was Dan! So, I reassured him that it was ok, eventually he'd figure it out. But a note to the Larry Ryans, and Hagerty's....he's got most of your names down!!! He enjoyed himself tremendously and thoroughly enjoyed soaking me with both egg and water balloon! We also got to reconnect with the Feeney crowd as we don't see them very often. Dennis and his new wife Chelsea were in attendance, and Ray was in from Georgia. As always, good food, good company, great day!

Getting all my stuff together for nursing school. As I mentioned earlier, I have many hoops to jump through before August 1st. I stopped by the school today and realized that my health file is up-to-date, I paid for my security check. Don't you think it would make sense that you do a security background check before they admit you to the program, not before you start classes, because if you don't pass the background check, you are dropped from the program. Hmmm....interesting. All my health check stuff is done, except getting my final TB test read later this week. I have to finish a bunch of computer courses, 20 to be exact, on hospital basics, HIPPA, Patient rights, stuff like that. Now, you see I had to do these exact same computer courses for my job at SAMC, but...they make us do them all over again. Hopefully, I should be done by tomorrow...I only have 4 left!!!

Well, that's all to report! More later....