Thursday, January 17, 2008

ONE YEAR!!!!!!!

One year til my wedding!!!!!!!!! Yesterday, I found the perfect dress! I thought I had found it earlier, but then I found this one and it's even better!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going back on Monday afternoon to actually buy it. I'm so excited!! It feels more real now as I've hit the year mark and found my dress.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Where does the time go???? I am again. I wonder where the time rolls away too. It seems as though just yesterday I was finishing my semester and now we're through the holidays, and getting ready to roll into another semester! I start school again on the 22nd, and it's going to be a very very busy semester.

New year, new me right? Right!! I just signed up for the shamrock shuffle 5K walk. I opted for the walk because I know that if I worked my hardest, I don 't know that I could do a 8K run by March 3oth. So...thats ok. I don't mind walking again this year. I also started Weight Watchers today. I have been mulling it over for a while now, and finally I saw a girl at work and all of the sudden I swear she looked half her size!! I said "Monica, have you lost weight? and How much have you lost??" When she responded with 27 pounds, and Weight Watchers, I decided that was it. Maybe I need that weekly reminder and push to do what I need to do. Maybe that weekly meeting will force me with the follow through that I tend to fail so miserably at after about 2 months. I get going really well into the gym, then you take a week off and it's all down hill from there. I can do really well on counting calories and or limited fat and such for about 2 months, then I just give up....fall off the band wagon. Maybe by meeting with other people and forcing myself to truly look at portion sizes, I'll be able to make it work this time. I've got to do somthing. I'm tired of being fat. I want to look fabulous in my wedding gown!!!!! Dan's doing it with me, so that's a huge help. We can support each other in going to the gym and making proper food choices.

Also, we both joing the Ryan Family Biggest Losers.....yeah baby!!!!!!!! Last year I had a pretty good start, I was actully doing really really well.....then it all fell through, we all kinda gave up. Hmmm..........