Current time: 5:35pm New Year's Eve. Current plans....relax with some movies and the Bears Game.
Although I had a couple offers/party plans tonight, due to the tough night at work last night and sheer lack of sleep today (who know's why I'm not sleeping) I've decided to turn down all invitations for a drunken New Year celebration, in order to relax on my couch in my jammies!
I've got movies, Bears vs. Packers, popcorn and beer...what more does a girl need???
Happy New Year All.....may 2007 be a happy and healthy one!!! I myself am very excited!!!!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
bat your eyes like this...and pucker your lips like this
Merry Christmas to all!!!!!!! Now that all the Christmas stuff is done. Ah...but this year was nice. It was the first year that I didn't have to work one of the Christmas days, which was very nice. We had a wonderful time with the Ryans on Christmas Eve and Karner's on Christmas day. Santa was very good to me!!! I got a gift certificate for an automatic start for my car!!! Yeah, no more climbing into a freezing cold car after 12 hours on my feet at the ER! Yeah, my car will finally be nice and toasty. In reference to the title, I'm currently watching my new copy of "The Little Mermaid" one of the classice Disney films ever made.
Now we look forward to New years. Now, in the past I've had several different New YEars escapades, many of which weren't really all that exciting because they usually involved working. I think my most memorable was seeing The Bodeans down as Navy Pier brining in the new year of '03. Last year sucked becuase I was newly single as of that morning. Now, we are ending yet another year. I think I'm going to spend the evening in Roscoe IL, with the Gorskis. What better way to spend the evening then with family and friends who love you!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has marvelous plans for the New Year!
Now we look forward to New years. Now, in the past I've had several different New YEars escapades, many of which weren't really all that exciting because they usually involved working. I think my most memorable was seeing The Bodeans down as Navy Pier brining in the new year of '03. Last year sucked becuase I was newly single as of that morning. Now, we are ending yet another year. I think I'm going to spend the evening in Roscoe IL, with the Gorskis. What better way to spend the evening then with family and friends who love you!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has marvelous plans for the New Year!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
"be gentle this time"
Many of you know I've started a new job at Good Shepherd ER as well as St. Alexius. It's very part time, like one shift a month. I figured it got me "in" the Advocate system, which will open some doors and possibilities once I graduate from nursing school. (Advocate owns many of the area hospital and several different trauma centers including...Good Samaritan, Lutheran General, Illinois Masonic, Christ. Lots of hospitals....good system.) So, I started working there sometime last month. I worked in the ER last night from 11pm-730 this morning. We had this beautiful little girl come in sick. Dad said she was vomiting all day and just not feeling any better. This poor little thing was very dehydrated and we had to start an IV. Sandie and I walked in to start the IV, explaining that we were going to put a straw into the tunnel in her arm under her skin, so we could put the water in. We told her there was going to be a prick and it was going to hurt for a little bit, but then it would go away. The poor thing says...."I'm gonna need a bandaid when you're done" So, we go to start the IV, and she is so dehydrated, the vein blows. We explain that we have to do it again because it didn't work. The nurse hands me the stuff and asks me to start the IV. Ok, this little peanut looks me straight in the eyes with her ginormous brown doe eyes and says..."be gentle this time ok?" Oh, my heart broke into a billion pieces. But, we got the IV and that little girl got her bandaid.
On a happier note, I joined the gym, yesterday . I joined the gym that is associated with Good Shepherd hospital. I went the other day and signed my life away for a one year commitment. But, I'm excited and we'll see how it goes. After I was given my membership card, the staff member asked me if I was going to go do my first workout this morning...I polity informed, I'm gonna go home and go to bed. But, I did do my first worlout this morning after work. I did a simple 25 minutes on the treadmill and then followed it up with 10 minutes on the bike. And, while I'm no where near running a marathon, or even a mile....I'll get in better shape. Let me just say how clean and nice the facilities are! Also, the staff nurse called me today to say she looked at my exercise and health questionarre and saw that I was diabetic. She informed me that there are free classes available for diabetics as well as a diabetes workout program made especially for diabetics, and would that be something I was interested in? That impressed me, that within 24 hours, a staff member reviewed my file and contacted me on how to best serve my needs.
Now, I have questions....shin splints and plantar!!!!!!!! I know how to stretch out the plantar fascia, but any ideas how to rid myself of it??? Also, shin splints ....what do I do about these?????
On a happier note, I joined the gym, yesterday . I joined the gym that is associated with Good Shepherd hospital. I went the other day and signed my life away for a one year commitment. But, I'm excited and we'll see how it goes. After I was given my membership card, the staff member asked me if I was going to go do my first workout this morning...I polity informed, I'm gonna go home and go to bed. But, I did do my first worlout this morning after work. I did a simple 25 minutes on the treadmill and then followed it up with 10 minutes on the bike. And, while I'm no where near running a marathon, or even a mile....I'll get in better shape. Let me just say how clean and nice the facilities are! Also, the staff nurse called me today to say she looked at my exercise and health questionarre and saw that I was diabetic. She informed me that there are free classes available for diabetics as well as a diabetes workout program made especially for diabetics, and would that be something I was interested in? That impressed me, that within 24 hours, a staff member reviewed my file and contacted me on how to best serve my needs.
Now, I have questions....shin splints and plantar!!!!!!!! I know how to stretch out the plantar fascia, but any ideas how to rid myself of it??? Also, shin splints ....what do I do about these?????
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Where do I start????

Pics of 6th annual Ryan pub crawl
It's been too long. Do I blame the end of the school year, starting of a second job or just plain laziness? I'm probably gonna have to go with the third answer. So, here it goes....
I'm sitting here this morning thinking of the past couple weeks. So, lets recap...
6th annual Ryan pub crawl....oh so much fun, dancing, drinking, laughter, and, I made it through the night without one single cigarette! Yeah me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
School's ending. I take my last test for my horrible psych class this coming monday. All I can say is thank God it's over. Next month I start Anatomy. Another busy class, but much more interesting then developmental psychology. Did anyone like that class? Meg, what were your thoughts??
I'm filling out my applications for nursing school. Everything is due by February 1st. I hope I can get in. Say a prayer, wish me luck....whatever it takes!!!!!
Love life....still dormant. I went out with a guy a couple weeks ago, kind of a hey, we're all going out why don't you join know the perpetual "hook up" Problem being, I didn't know I was being hooked up until about an hour before hand. Now, granted I knew this person and had known him for a couple years, nice guy, very cute, but relatively dumb when it comes to girls and not all that quick on the uptake. I just wasn't expecting my girlfriend to say..."hey aim, why don't you date mark...." yeah, thats pretty much how it went. needless to say, mark is a clueless ass... we had a good night and things were going ok until...he asked me if i wanted to go over to the Red Roof in to "scratch an itch." Yeah, thats exactly what he said. What an ass. Let's just say I probably won't be talking to mark any time soon.
In early november I started a new second job at another local ER. I'm working there very part time. But, I'm having a hell of a time getting my schedule together. At first, HR didn't schedule me for orientation properly, so...I only went to one day rather than 4! Ooops....but all was well my boss determined that it was HR's fault and not me being a dumbass. Then I got scheduled for orientation earlier this month and went to about 2 hours worth. I had worked the night befoe at the other ER and left with my eye all red and swollen again. yep, I had orbital cellulitis again!!!! In the same eye! I left early and called to doctor to get a prescription and find out what the heck is going on! So, needless to say I didn't finish orientation this month either. So, I wasn't really sure if I was going to have a job or not. Friday afternoon, I received a phone call that said, yes, I have a job but I must go to orientation in January. Now, I have to rearrange my schedule for my "real job" all around in order to attend orientation which is just a bunch of sitting and listening. It's so hard to stay awake!!!!!!!!!!! But, I want to keep this job because they have a gym and spa which is directly en route to my other job, therefore I have to pass it at least 6 times per week. Plus the membership dues are payroll deducted, so...I'm gonna take advantage of that perk. Get fit is definitely a 2007 goal!!!!
Well, I guess thats all for now. I'll have to be a better blogger!!! :)
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
It's coming to the end of my school semester and things are getting a wee bit stressful. Of course, I'm the procrastinator, so I really can't bitch too much!! I have all my video notes due on the 4th of December which is yeah, thats right less than one week away. But not to fret, I'll get it all done. I'm actually starting today!
On a good note, we had the 6th annual Ryan Pub crawl this past weekend. I think it's safe to say that everyone had a good time.
ok, off to the video notes
On a good note, we had the 6th annual Ryan Pub crawl this past weekend. I think it's safe to say that everyone had a good time.
ok, off to the video notes
Monday, November 20, 2006
What a great time
To those of you who missed Dawn's bday, we had a wonderful time and we're sorry you couldn't make it!!!
We started the night at Dawn's humble abode for some pizza and beer. By the time Mom, Dad and I showed up, the pizza was almost gone!!!
But we were able to surprise Dawn with a limo ride from her house to Hogs and Kisses in Lake Geneva. What a blast!! We danced the night away, had a few libations and had a really good time.
Dawnie, I hope you had a wonderful time, the pictures sure look like you did!!!
Bridget and Kate, we can do it all over again at the pub crawl!!!!! Molly, will you make it this Saturday for the crawl? I hope so, it'll be your first time!!!!!!!!!!!!
See everyone Thursday!!!
We started the night at Dawn's humble abode for some pizza and beer. By the time Mom, Dad and I showed up, the pizza was almost gone!!!
But we were able to surprise Dawn with a limo ride from her house to Hogs and Kisses in Lake Geneva. What a blast!! We danced the night away, had a few libations and had a really good time.
Dawnie, I hope you had a wonderful time, the pictures sure look like you did!!!
Bridget and Kate, we can do it all over again at the pub crawl!!!!! Molly, will you make it this Saturday for the crawl? I hope so, it'll be your first time!!!!!!!!!!!!
See everyone Thursday!!!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Before I forget
Saturday November 18 is DAwn's 25th birthday. She want to go out in Lake Geneva. We're trying to get something together for her. If you're interested in going, let me know. I have some more plans, but for fear that she might read this, I have not included those plans!!! Hope many of you can attend!!!
long time gone

ok, so it's been a long week. i quit smoking over two months ago. Now, I've had a cheat here and there, but I think it's like five cigarettes total. Not too bad. My cholesterol is down, so that a really good thing. But...i miss it. I still go outside and visit with my friends when they smoke and I haven't changed anything in that aspect, but there are times when I have a cold beer in my hand that I really want a smoke. Am I nuts? No, I'm just an ex-smoker.
Oh, as of my halloween costume....
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Oh no, not again!!!
Have you ever done anything a little on the stupid side and totally regretted it later? Wait, it only gets better....have you then repeated this action thinking that something might be different this time?
I made a poor decision about 10 months ago and regretted it for quite a while, beat myself up over it, then finally moved on.
Only to follow through and do it again....same situation, same players, same results. Nothing like waking up in the AM and saying "oh no, not again!!!"
Guess one too many Juniper Blush martini's clouds ones judgement.
I made a poor decision about 10 months ago and regretted it for quite a while, beat myself up over it, then finally moved on.
Only to follow through and do it again....same situation, same players, same results. Nothing like waking up in the AM and saying "oh no, not again!!!"
Guess one too many Juniper Blush martini's clouds ones judgement.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
change of plans
Perhaps I should change my halloween costume from angel to pirate, I'm sitting here on my bed typing this blog with a patch over my left eye. Yep, I'm the one-eyed blogger at this time. Let me explain a little bit better.
Tuesday, as I was running a bunch of errands I noticed my left eye was starting to hurt a little bit. Nothing too extreme, but enough to bother me. Then as the night progressed, the pain got worse. I woke up Wednesday morning at about 730 am and my eye really hurt badly. So, I took a look in the mirror and thought I had pink eye. My left eye was swollen and sore, so I called work and had to call off for Wednesday night because I thought I had pink eye. I called one of the ER docs and asked him to call in a prescription for pink eye. I went to Walgreens, picked up the script and started taking the drops. But the pain was still there, and my vision was a bit blurry, So much so that I was unable to drive!!! I go to bed, wake up at 8ish on Thursday morning, only to find out that my eye looks worse!!! HOw is this possible? I've been taking the drops since last night, how can it be worse. I also noticed that my eye wasn't all crusted shut like you usually see with pink eye, and the inside of my eye wasnt' really pink either. It was just the outside of my eye that looked awful. Never fear, I called the MD and got in to see him today. Five hours later and CT scan, he says it Ocular cellulitis. I guess I had a sty that went a little crazy and caused cellulitis around my left eye. He sent me for a CT to make sure that I didn't have an abcess in my sinus cavity...if I had, I wouldn't be writing this right now, I'd have been admitted in the hospital. So, I'm home now with high dose antibiotics, and a patch over my eye so that I can focus on my reading or the tv. I'm off work until this is all cleared up! The doctor has a sense of humor and informed me that "you Karner's are keeping me in business this year"
I don't know if I'll be able to attend my halloween party this weekend....perhaps I should put a hunch in my back and go as Quasimoto!!!!
Tuesday, as I was running a bunch of errands I noticed my left eye was starting to hurt a little bit. Nothing too extreme, but enough to bother me. Then as the night progressed, the pain got worse. I woke up Wednesday morning at about 730 am and my eye really hurt badly. So, I took a look in the mirror and thought I had pink eye. My left eye was swollen and sore, so I called work and had to call off for Wednesday night because I thought I had pink eye. I called one of the ER docs and asked him to call in a prescription for pink eye. I went to Walgreens, picked up the script and started taking the drops. But the pain was still there, and my vision was a bit blurry, So much so that I was unable to drive!!! I go to bed, wake up at 8ish on Thursday morning, only to find out that my eye looks worse!!! HOw is this possible? I've been taking the drops since last night, how can it be worse. I also noticed that my eye wasn't all crusted shut like you usually see with pink eye, and the inside of my eye wasnt' really pink either. It was just the outside of my eye that looked awful. Never fear, I called the MD and got in to see him today. Five hours later and CT scan, he says it Ocular cellulitis. I guess I had a sty that went a little crazy and caused cellulitis around my left eye. He sent me for a CT to make sure that I didn't have an abcess in my sinus cavity...if I had, I wouldn't be writing this right now, I'd have been admitted in the hospital. So, I'm home now with high dose antibiotics, and a patch over my eye so that I can focus on my reading or the tv. I'm off work until this is all cleared up! The doctor has a sense of humor and informed me that "you Karner's are keeping me in business this year"
I don't know if I'll be able to attend my halloween party this weekend....perhaps I should put a hunch in my back and go as Quasimoto!!!!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
daytime population
I worked the entire weekend, so I had yesteredeay and today off. Yesterday, I had grand plans to stay awake most of the day and go to sleep early in the evening. I did some homework and checked my email. Then Dawniepie came over to visit and we went through some of the mess that is in the basement. But...that discovery lead to finding all my yearbooks, let me tell you that was an interesting trip down memory lane!!! Then I decided to relax, take a little nap because I was very sleepy. I lied down at 2pm and woke up a couple hours later...MIDNIGHT!!! Oh no! Now I'm up for the night! Great!! I was finally able to go back to sleep around 4.
I got up today at 7am. I did some research on my social policy project for a couple hours. Then I headed out into the land of the living. I went shopping. I managed to get my sister's birthday gift. A new bag for my laptop. Dawn's bday gift from my mom. And, I found my halloween costume!!! I went to Party City and they have some fabulous costumes and you're allowed to try them all on, but...they don't have a mirror. What kind of insanity is that? It's in interesting procedure. They have a wall of pictures, all with numbers on assigned to them. You have to find a sales rep and tell them what number costume you want and the size involved. So, I pick out like five different costumes, but I figured I'll only try on two at a time. I went for the Goldilocks costume, it seemed to fit ok, but I couldn't see what I looked like without a mirror. Then I looked at the price tag. $60 for just a thanks. I settled on costume #2, and angel. It was comfy in the store and in the right price range, so...we have a winner.
Whats your halloween costume?
I got up today at 7am. I did some research on my social policy project for a couple hours. Then I headed out into the land of the living. I went shopping. I managed to get my sister's birthday gift. A new bag for my laptop. Dawn's bday gift from my mom. And, I found my halloween costume!!! I went to Party City and they have some fabulous costumes and you're allowed to try them all on, but...they don't have a mirror. What kind of insanity is that? It's in interesting procedure. They have a wall of pictures, all with numbers on assigned to them. You have to find a sales rep and tell them what number costume you want and the size involved. So, I pick out like five different costumes, but I figured I'll only try on two at a time. I went for the Goldilocks costume, it seemed to fit ok, but I couldn't see what I looked like without a mirror. Then I looked at the price tag. $60 for just a thanks. I settled on costume #2, and angel. It was comfy in the store and in the right price range, so...we have a winner.
Whats your halloween costume?
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Weekend Blues
So, I worked last night and was informed that one of my favorite Charge nurses is leaving us. She has had enough with our directors and their BS and has decided to take leave of SAMC. She is going back to Victory Hospital in Waukegan...take care Tracy, we'll miss you and your non-Nazi Charge RN ways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I went to church at my old church. St. John the Baptist in Johnsburg, IL. Now, except for my girlfriends wedding, last October, I haven't been to mass at that church in quite sometime. But I was informed by both my mother and sister that the new priest was wonderful. So, I sat through 9am mass conducted by Father Watt this morning. During the processional, Dawn leaned over and informed me that he looks like Ben Franklin in the movie version of 1776, and indeed he does!!! Also, Father Watt likes to sing. So now I'm in mass over tired and a little warm and I have my mother saying "the turkey is a noble bird" and Dawn acting like she's holding a cane and doing the the little Ben Franklin dance from above such movie! Needless to say, I was very, very sleepy and started an uncontrollable fit of giggling!!!! I felt like a little kid again! Then I got the look from Rose, she was giving me the 'angry eyes' What did she expect? I'm flanked by two of you making me think of one of my favorite movies ever and picturing the singing priest signing the declaration of independence....hello? I know, I know I should be able to better behave myself while in church.
But, overall the church thing went well, I did like the priest and perhaps I'll continue to visit that chuch. And then we came home and Ralph made us all French toast for breakfast. Dawnie fixed my hair and then I was off to bed....snoozeville for the vampire.
I missed a first birthday party...sorry Kate and Maggie, I was napping!
Now it's time to dive back into the wonderful world of Psych. Big test number three this week.
Today I went to church at my old church. St. John the Baptist in Johnsburg, IL. Now, except for my girlfriends wedding, last October, I haven't been to mass at that church in quite sometime. But I was informed by both my mother and sister that the new priest was wonderful. So, I sat through 9am mass conducted by Father Watt this morning. During the processional, Dawn leaned over and informed me that he looks like Ben Franklin in the movie version of 1776, and indeed he does!!! Also, Father Watt likes to sing. So now I'm in mass over tired and a little warm and I have my mother saying "the turkey is a noble bird" and Dawn acting like she's holding a cane and doing the the little Ben Franklin dance from above such movie! Needless to say, I was very, very sleepy and started an uncontrollable fit of giggling!!!! I felt like a little kid again! Then I got the look from Rose, she was giving me the 'angry eyes' What did she expect? I'm flanked by two of you making me think of one of my favorite movies ever and picturing the singing priest signing the declaration of independence....hello? I know, I know I should be able to better behave myself while in church.
But, overall the church thing went well, I did like the priest and perhaps I'll continue to visit that chuch. And then we came home and Ralph made us all French toast for breakfast. Dawnie fixed my hair and then I was off to bed....snoozeville for the vampire.
I missed a first birthday party...sorry Kate and Maggie, I was napping!
Now it's time to dive back into the wonderful world of Psych. Big test number three this week.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Pass the word
Not much to post today...but here is some interesting info....
Here is a book, written by my cousin's friend, Alison Strobel Morrow.It's called Violette Between, and can be purchased at the first chapter of the book online!
You can also read Alison's blog here. (
Here's a quick synopsis:Violette is the quintessential artist: passionate, emotional and full of life. After suffering a great loss, she finds herself enamored with a new relationship and asking if it is truly time to move on. Christian lost his wife years ago and understands Violette's pain firsthand. He offers her a chance to love once more, and hopes to build a future with the spirited artist. But just as Violette and Christian begin to feel something unexpected, tragedy strikes again. Violette retreats into her past -- and she finds that she may not want to come back. This is a captivating novel that asks what is more precious: the memories of one who is gone... or the memories waiting to be made with someone new?Hope you enjoy it!
It looks quite interesting and I plan to read it. So, take a look and pass the word!!!!!!!!!
Here is a book, written by my cousin's friend, Alison Strobel Morrow.It's called Violette Between, and can be purchased at the first chapter of the book online!
You can also read Alison's blog here. (
Here's a quick synopsis:Violette is the quintessential artist: passionate, emotional and full of life. After suffering a great loss, she finds herself enamored with a new relationship and asking if it is truly time to move on. Christian lost his wife years ago and understands Violette's pain firsthand. He offers her a chance to love once more, and hopes to build a future with the spirited artist. But just as Violette and Christian begin to feel something unexpected, tragedy strikes again. Violette retreats into her past -- and she finds that she may not want to come back. This is a captivating novel that asks what is more precious: the memories of one who is gone... or the memories waiting to be made with someone new?Hope you enjoy it!
It looks quite interesting and I plan to read it. So, take a look and pass the word!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
The Ultimate Creamer
My co-workers and I are on a hunt to find the Ultimate Coffee Creamer. I understand this might seem a silly quest to some people, but for those of us who do drink coffee, a lot of it, and can't stand it black. Flaver is the craze. There are a wide variety of flavors out there with which to tease your palate. Here are some of them and our thoughts on each. Please feel free to add your vote to the mix
French Vanillla, Vanilla Chai Spice, Cinnamin Vanilla, Southern Butter Pecan, Original, Carmel Vanilla, Coconut Creme, Creme Bruele
Then there are the seasonals....Peppermint Mocha, Eggnog,
I'm sure I'm missing some, but whatever....
Our favorite seems to rank towards French Vanilla, Carmel Vanilla, Peppermint Mocha, and Vanilla Chai Spice.
French Vanilla is a standard's always good, can you ever get sick of it??
The Chai one you can only take in small doses.
The Cinnamin Vanilla is good, but just not that good.
Peppermint Mocha is a wonderful flavor that is only out to tease us around Christmas time. This might be my absolute favorite.
I personally haven't tried the Creme Bruele, Eggnog, or Coconut Creme. This is due to the fact that I don't care for these flavors in real life, why would I want them in my coffee???
Ok, I guess there is no point to this blog, but it's fun to see everyone's opinion. Do you have a favorite flavor???? :)
French Vanillla, Vanilla Chai Spice, Cinnamin Vanilla, Southern Butter Pecan, Original, Carmel Vanilla, Coconut Creme, Creme Bruele
Then there are the seasonals....Peppermint Mocha, Eggnog,
I'm sure I'm missing some, but whatever....
Our favorite seems to rank towards French Vanilla, Carmel Vanilla, Peppermint Mocha, and Vanilla Chai Spice.
French Vanilla is a standard's always good, can you ever get sick of it??
The Chai one you can only take in small doses.
The Cinnamin Vanilla is good, but just not that good.
Peppermint Mocha is a wonderful flavor that is only out to tease us around Christmas time. This might be my absolute favorite.
I personally haven't tried the Creme Bruele, Eggnog, or Coconut Creme. This is due to the fact that I don't care for these flavors in real life, why would I want them in my coffee???
Ok, I guess there is no point to this blog, but it's fun to see everyone's opinion. Do you have a favorite flavor???? :)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
No paradise here
I have become a creature of the night. I've worked nights long enough now that I am more comfortable sleeping during the day and being up at night. At 1am, no matter what kind of sleep I've gotten, I'm usually wide awake. So therefore, it's very odd for me to work days. Yet, today I ventured out into the land of day shifters and picked up an extra shift at work. We have a shift bid at work called Eshift. This functions much like eBay. We are able to "bid" on available shifts, which pay us more money. The average pay for these shifts is like $6-$8 more an hour. So, I have decided to pick up random shifts here and there. Now, for the most part, I usually pick up shifts starting at either 3pm or 7pm, but today...I picked up from 11 am-7pm. This was absurd!!! Although it was absolutely wonderful to be done with work at shift people are mean!!!!!!!!!!!! In the hospital world, they are needy, and unfriendly. It seems as though everyone is out to help themselves and no one wants to help anyone else?? Is it because we are shorter staffed at night that we work better together? Everyone seems much more willing to help everyone else. I was asked by several of the day shift nurses when I was going to swich to days and wouldn't I much rather work days....I was quick to inform that it would be awhile before I was anywhere close to working day shift. I like my night shift cronies!!! We're more of a team then I witness on the day shift.
Also, just a little note. I don't like Psychology. I'm currently enrolled in Human Development, I find this class absolutely boring!!!! My class is an internet course, so I don't have any fun lecture like Meg where I get to bust out in song along with're a lucky lady Meg!!!!
Also, just a little note. I don't like Psychology. I'm currently enrolled in Human Development, I find this class absolutely boring!!!! My class is an internet course, so I don't have any fun lecture like Meg where I get to bust out in song along with're a lucky lady Meg!!!!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
catching up
I have become a fan of Grey's Anatomy, but before I was only home every other Sunday night and usually forgot to set the tape, or the tape setting malfunctioned. Now, the show has moved to Thursday nights. Consequently, I'm rarely home then either. I asked my sister if she happened to tape the show. Sadly, no. But....Dawn informed me that you can watch it online at So....I was able to get completely caught up on the season so far. Yeah!!! The internet is a wonderful thing!!!
Monday, October 09, 2006
closing and camping
Ok....So, I had my official closing on Friday September 29th!! I am no longer a home owner. I have mixed feelings about this. I had a very short time to collect myself, and move all my stuff out. Two and half weeks to be precises. I gave away most of my furniture, donated it. I learned the true meaning of "one man's trash is another's treasure." As I was gathering everything and placing it out for the AmVets folks to pick it up, my neighbor decided to pick through all my stuff and take what she needed. As I came out to leave for work, she asked me if I was giving this stuff away. I couldn't help myself and I had to play devils advocate...(I know, I'm going to hell) I so inocently said to her..."well, what if I wasn't giving it away? are you going to give me my luggage and crock pot back?" She stuttered a bit and said..."oh, I just assumed that you were giving it all away because it's outside, next to your garage door. " (mind you next to the garage, not on the curb) I told her she could have the stuff and to feel free to take it, but perhaps in the future she should wait to know that it's a give away.
So, back to the begining i left my couch, desk, a coffee table, christmas tree, desk and table and chairs. When I got home later that day. I had found that AmVets decided not to take the desk, christmas tree and one of my neighbors left me their speakers. Funny, there were no speakers when I left for work? Hmmm.....oh well.
So, I get the house all cleaned up and i had my slideshow of memories crying jag as I sat on in the middle of the living room floor s/p cleaning. Then, i left the house.
Friday is here. I show up for the closing and her realator (they buyers) informs me that the house looked absolutly wonderful and clean but I forgot to clean the oven. Ooops!!!
Closing is successful, I'm no longer a homeowner. But, all is for the better. I'm completely moved back into my home with Rose and Ralph. I sleep during the day, they sleep at night, so I just have to make sure not to wake them when I come home at odd hours of the night!
Immediately following the closing, i headed out to Oregon, IL for a relaxing weekend camping with some friends. We had a wonderful time. I learned that I CAN actually put up a tent with minimal help!! Although it was a bit cold, we had a wonderful time.
So, back to the begining i left my couch, desk, a coffee table, christmas tree, desk and table and chairs. When I got home later that day. I had found that AmVets decided not to take the desk, christmas tree and one of my neighbors left me their speakers. Funny, there were no speakers when I left for work? Hmmm.....oh well.
So, I get the house all cleaned up and i had my slideshow of memories crying jag as I sat on in the middle of the living room floor s/p cleaning. Then, i left the house.
Friday is here. I show up for the closing and her realator (they buyers) informs me that the house looked absolutly wonderful and clean but I forgot to clean the oven. Ooops!!!
Closing is successful, I'm no longer a homeowner. But, all is for the better. I'm completely moved back into my home with Rose and Ralph. I sleep during the day, they sleep at night, so I just have to make sure not to wake them when I come home at odd hours of the night!
Immediately following the closing, i headed out to Oregon, IL for a relaxing weekend camping with some friends. We had a wonderful time. I learned that I CAN actually put up a tent with minimal help!! Although it was a bit cold, we had a wonderful time.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Everything Happens For a Reason
Yesterday was my first day back after handing in my resignation. Let me tell you, it wasn't the easiet day! I got run like a dog while other cars sat. Did I expect anything different? No, not at all. I said, everything happens for a reason.
At about 530 last night while I was running what seemed like my 50th call (ok, in actuality it was only about 5) my phone rang. Of course because I was with a patient, I ignored the call. When I was able to check the phone, I had seen that it was my realtor that had called. I really wasnt' so excited about this, because I was sure they were setting up yet another appointment for someone to look at my pad during prime sleeping hours! Well, I checked the voice mail, and it was my actual realtor, not just the office! I got an offer on my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!! They offered a little less than my asking price, but not too low. So, I accepted the offer! The only draw back is that the new owners want to close on September 29th. I immediately said "thats fine! I'll be out!" I think my realtor was a little surprised in how accepting I was of that term!
So anyways, I guess my point here is...I buried St. Joseph, two weeks ago. I quit the job that causes me more stress and headache and worry than in ever necessary, and I put my faith in God. All things worked out wonderfully for me. So, keep me in your prayers that nothing goes wrong with the contract! And all works smoothly. I guess I'll be back in McHenry by October!!!!
At about 530 last night while I was running what seemed like my 50th call (ok, in actuality it was only about 5) my phone rang. Of course because I was with a patient, I ignored the call. When I was able to check the phone, I had seen that it was my realtor that had called. I really wasnt' so excited about this, because I was sure they were setting up yet another appointment for someone to look at my pad during prime sleeping hours! Well, I checked the voice mail, and it was my actual realtor, not just the office! I got an offer on my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!! They offered a little less than my asking price, but not too low. So, I accepted the offer! The only draw back is that the new owners want to close on September 29th. I immediately said "thats fine! I'll be out!" I think my realtor was a little surprised in how accepting I was of that term!
So anyways, I guess my point here is...I buried St. Joseph, two weeks ago. I quit the job that causes me more stress and headache and worry than in ever necessary, and I put my faith in God. All things worked out wonderfully for me. So, keep me in your prayers that nothing goes wrong with the contract! And all works smoothly. I guess I'll be back in McHenry by October!!!!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
I have made many larger than life decisions for one little girl lately. Many of you know that my house is on the market, let me tell you, not a good time!! I have also recently decided to resign my position with the ambulance company I work for. I handed in my letter of resignation on Friday September 8th. I did give the traditional two weeks notice, although I really wanted to run in and yell...."I QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA!!!" After some thought I figured that would be a little on the unprofessional side, and probably not taken too well. So, I typed up the very professional letter stating my last day of availability would be 9/20.
Although I know that the current company I work for is a poison in my life, it has been a very big decision to quit. The original plan was to wait until the house sold, and then quit. But I couldn't take much more of my boss. Let me fill you in on my boss. Ok, you need a mental picture...he's about 5'8", an ex-marine, and coverered in tattoos. He has a little bit of little man syndrome, so he likes to bluster about and yell at people all the time in order to make them feel inferior to him or at least to cause intimidation. I had never really been yelled at by him, not directly anyways. Then, the other morning I'm at the end of a 24 hour shift, I'm so tired and I'm washing the truck. He is ranting and raving at the top of his lungs about incomptent and overpaid paramedics! Well, I'll tell you, I am far from overpaid and I am absolutely not an "incompetent paramedic." That was the final straw for me. I decided that I don't need to work for a man who doesn't respect the work I do for him. Not when I have the education and ability to walk into just about any other ambulance company tomorrow and will most likely be offered a job on the spot! So, I decided to quit. And a little plus for me was that two other paramedics handed in their resignations as well!!!
So as of now, I'm broke, waiting for my house to sell and down to just one job! I put all my faith in God that he will take care of me and make all things right with the world.
Although I know that the current company I work for is a poison in my life, it has been a very big decision to quit. The original plan was to wait until the house sold, and then quit. But I couldn't take much more of my boss. Let me fill you in on my boss. Ok, you need a mental picture...he's about 5'8", an ex-marine, and coverered in tattoos. He has a little bit of little man syndrome, so he likes to bluster about and yell at people all the time in order to make them feel inferior to him or at least to cause intimidation. I had never really been yelled at by him, not directly anyways. Then, the other morning I'm at the end of a 24 hour shift, I'm so tired and I'm washing the truck. He is ranting and raving at the top of his lungs about incomptent and overpaid paramedics! Well, I'll tell you, I am far from overpaid and I am absolutely not an "incompetent paramedic." That was the final straw for me. I decided that I don't need to work for a man who doesn't respect the work I do for him. Not when I have the education and ability to walk into just about any other ambulance company tomorrow and will most likely be offered a job on the spot! So, I decided to quit. And a little plus for me was that two other paramedics handed in their resignations as well!!!
So as of now, I'm broke, waiting for my house to sell and down to just one job! I put all my faith in God that he will take care of me and make all things right with the world.
I have arrived
Well, I've decided to join my family in the world of Blog. I have a blog on, but not everyone can read it there. So, I've decided to share the humor that is my life with everyone here. Welcome to my page!!!
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