Thursday, October 26, 2006

change of plans

Perhaps I should change my halloween costume from angel to pirate, I'm sitting here on my bed typing this blog with a patch over my left eye. Yep, I'm the one-eyed blogger at this time. Let me explain a little bit better.

Tuesday, as I was running a bunch of errands I noticed my left eye was starting to hurt a little bit. Nothing too extreme, but enough to bother me. Then as the night progressed, the pain got worse. I woke up Wednesday morning at about 730 am and my eye really hurt badly. So, I took a look in the mirror and thought I had pink eye. My left eye was swollen and sore, so I called work and had to call off for Wednesday night because I thought I had pink eye. I called one of the ER docs and asked him to call in a prescription for pink eye. I went to Walgreens, picked up the script and started taking the drops. But the pain was still there, and my vision was a bit blurry, So much so that I was unable to drive!!! I go to bed, wake up at 8ish on Thursday morning, only to find out that my eye looks worse!!! HOw is this possible? I've been taking the drops since last night, how can it be worse. I also noticed that my eye wasn't all crusted shut like you usually see with pink eye, and the inside of my eye wasnt' really pink either. It was just the outside of my eye that looked awful. Never fear, I called the MD and got in to see him today. Five hours later and CT scan, he says it Ocular cellulitis. I guess I had a sty that went a little crazy and caused cellulitis around my left eye. He sent me for a CT to make sure that I didn't have an abcess in my sinus cavity...if I had, I wouldn't be writing this right now, I'd have been admitted in the hospital. So, I'm home now with high dose antibiotics, and a patch over my eye so that I can focus on my reading or the tv. I'm off work until this is all cleared up! The doctor has a sense of humor and informed me that "you Karner's are keeping me in business this year"

I don't know if I'll be able to attend my halloween party this weekend....perhaps I should put a hunch in my back and go as Quasimoto!!!!

1 comment:

Katers said...

Ouch Amy, I feel your pain!! Plus side, you get some time off. You should go as a pirate and use this joke, "what's a pirate's favorite resturent?.....Arrrby's"