Wednesday, October 11, 2006

No paradise here

I have become a creature of the night. I've worked nights long enough now that I am more comfortable sleeping during the day and being up at night. At 1am, no matter what kind of sleep I've gotten, I'm usually wide awake. So therefore, it's very odd for me to work days. Yet, today I ventured out into the land of day shifters and picked up an extra shift at work. We have a shift bid at work called Eshift. This functions much like eBay. We are able to "bid" on available shifts, which pay us more money. The average pay for these shifts is like $6-$8 more an hour. So, I have decided to pick up random shifts here and there. Now, for the most part, I usually pick up shifts starting at either 3pm or 7pm, but today...I picked up from 11 am-7pm. This was absurd!!! Although it was absolutely wonderful to be done with work at shift people are mean!!!!!!!!!!!! In the hospital world, they are needy, and unfriendly. It seems as though everyone is out to help themselves and no one wants to help anyone else?? Is it because we are shorter staffed at night that we work better together? Everyone seems much more willing to help everyone else. I was asked by several of the day shift nurses when I was going to swich to days and wouldn't I much rather work days....I was quick to inform that it would be awhile before I was anywhere close to working day shift. I like my night shift cronies!!! We're more of a team then I witness on the day shift.

Also, just a little note. I don't like Psychology. I'm currently enrolled in Human Development, I find this class absolutely boring!!!! My class is an internet course, so I don't have any fun lecture like Meg where I get to bust out in song along with're a lucky lady Meg!!!!

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