Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Filling the time

I should be studying, but I need a break. This is it, last week of lectures and next week is finals.

I'm strong in my nursing class, not worried about that, last test tomorrow, final Monday morning. Physiology however.....I'm holding on my a shoestring! I failed my last test, miserably. I'm not truly surprised, however my teacher is a A*&$(%e! and made me take the stupid test....see previous post. I have a lab test tomorrow to bring my grade up and my final next Tuesday, thank god it's not cumulative and I feel as though I'm getting a smidge of a break as the final is on the endocrine and reproductive cycles. I have a little leg up with the endocrine stuff!

Personal life.....Dan's 28th bday was last Friday, he and I went out for dinner then headed south to his parents. Saturday we were met by my family and had a wonderful dinner of fried fish and hash brown casserole, and a bonfire. Good times for everyone. Dan got some lovely presents....his parents and I purchased a Wii.....he loved it and we all got to do a little bowling later that night!

Mothers day we had brunch with the Eckberg's then everyone headed on home. Dan and I decided to venture out to see a movie and when we got there were left with not a whole lot of choices in our time frame, so we saw Made of Honor. It was really cute, definitely a chick flick and I give Dan big props for going with me!!! And, I don't usually find Patrick Dempsey all that cute, he was good looking here!!! Definitly McDreamy....... Ironman is also a pretty good show if anyone is interested and let me tell you....Robert Downey Jr....Hottie!!!!!!!!!!

Health...my INR is not really cooperating it was 2.1 when I left the hospital, 1.8 a week later, and 1.9 last week. Also, I've finished the lovenox shots, and thank god because I've developed an allergic reaction to them and I have bright red circles around my belly!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!! I just can't win....this is a very frustrating time for me and I often break into tears. Thank God Dan and my mother have the patience for me!

Back to the books, two tests tomorrow! I'm jealous of those of you who are finished for the semester.

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