Sunday, March 08, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away.....

It's Sunday. My weekend was ruined as I have weekend clinicals every other weekend. No fun. This was the end of our first week. Only two more weekends. In all actuality, only 8 more weeks of class total!!!! 68 days until my final!! Woo Hoo

I am currently in a gimp boot. I did a very gracious Bambi on ice demonstration one very cold morning at the end of January. I stepped out of the apartment and boom down I went on my left side. Now imagine every time you attemp to get slide.. I was a mess!!! Well, what I thought was simply a tweaked muscle causing me pain in my foot while taking dance lessons prior to the wedding, actually ended up being tendon damage from my silly ice acrobatics!! So, now a month later we have figured that out and I will be in the gimp boot until end of March!

Dan is singing in a kareoke competition at the Fox & Hound in Schaumburg, every Wednesday night around 9-930 pm. It's been fun. Some people are totally horrible, some are decent. Of course Dan is awesome! There are 6 weeks left and the winner gets $1000 and to sing the National Anthem at a Schaumburg Flyers Game. We all hope he wins!!

Thats all for now!

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