Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I'm back

Ok, so I was so politely informed that it's been way too long since I"ve updated. Then I checked, and it's true.

Whats up with me....I had a wonderful weekend. Girl's night out was prosperous and fun and definitely neccessary. We have to do those more often ladies. We laughed, we ate....a lot! I broke my diet for this fun filled extravaganza and let me tell you, I paid for it. My stomach was so unhappy with me the next day!!!! But I sat and watched my beloved Bears start out a wonderul Superbowl, just to pack it up and go home after the first quarter. Oh well....what's Chicago's famous saying...or maybe it's just Cubs fans....there's always next year!!!

Monday I went back on the diet, lots of chicken and fish, little carbs, lots of veggies. For dinner dad and I had steak...my first red meat in weeks, oh did it taste wonderful. Then I headed off to work. About halfway there, I started to feel nauseas. I thought to myself...ah, no big deal, it'll go away. About two hours into my night I was calling around looking for someone to come in for me. I had several trips to the bathroom in very few hours. Finally I got coverage and now I'm heading home. I've been in bed since!!! I'm dealing with a very unpleasant bout of gastroenteritis. More commenly known as the stomach flu!!! I don't know what I did to deserve this but I'll tell you, I'm absolutly miserable.

Ok, I've updated, now i'm going back to bed! I'm attempting to eat some crackers in hopes that they'll stay down.

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