Wednesday, December 13, 2006

"be gentle this time"

Many of you know I've started a new job at Good Shepherd ER as well as St. Alexius. It's very part time, like one shift a month. I figured it got me "in" the Advocate system, which will open some doors and possibilities once I graduate from nursing school. (Advocate owns many of the area hospital and several different trauma centers including...Good Samaritan, Lutheran General, Illinois Masonic, Christ. Lots of hospitals....good system.) So, I started working there sometime last month. I worked in the ER last night from 11pm-730 this morning. We had this beautiful little girl come in sick. Dad said she was vomiting all day and just not feeling any better. This poor little thing was very dehydrated and we had to start an IV. Sandie and I walked in to start the IV, explaining that we were going to put a straw into the tunnel in her arm under her skin, so we could put the water in. We told her there was going to be a prick and it was going to hurt for a little bit, but then it would go away. The poor thing says...."I'm gonna need a bandaid when you're done" So, we go to start the IV, and she is so dehydrated, the vein blows. We explain that we have to do it again because it didn't work. The nurse hands me the stuff and asks me to start the IV. Ok, this little peanut looks me straight in the eyes with her ginormous brown doe eyes and says..."be gentle this time ok?" Oh, my heart broke into a billion pieces. But, we got the IV and that little girl got her bandaid.

On a happier note, I joined the gym, yesterday . I joined the gym that is associated with Good Shepherd hospital. I went the other day and signed my life away for a one year commitment. But, I'm excited and we'll see how it goes. After I was given my membership card, the staff member asked me if I was going to go do my first workout this morning...I polity informed, I'm gonna go home and go to bed. But, I did do my first worlout this morning after work. I did a simple 25 minutes on the treadmill and then followed it up with 10 minutes on the bike. And, while I'm no where near running a marathon, or even a mile....I'll get in better shape. Let me just say how clean and nice the facilities are! Also, the staff nurse called me today to say she looked at my exercise and health questionarre and saw that I was diabetic. She informed me that there are free classes available for diabetics as well as a diabetes workout program made especially for diabetics, and would that be something I was interested in? That impressed me, that within 24 hours, a staff member reviewed my file and contacted me on how to best serve my needs.

Now, I have questions....shin splints and plantar!!!!!!!! I know how to stretch out the plantar fascia, but any ideas how to rid myself of it??? Also, shin splints ....what do I do about these?????


Anonymous said...

For shin splints, try steping on a step/curb on the "meat" of your foot (by your toes) and go up and down like on your tippy toes. Do one foot at a time, standing on one foot. Go up and down as far as you can extend. This will stretch out that muscle. This was our trick in Track at ATHS.

Unknown said...

Man! Shin splints, coffee flavorings, birthdays, nursing classes! I have missed SO much!

All I can say about shin splints is: they're a total nightmare and once I get them I can't seem to get rid of them unless I stop exercising. For, like, 8 years. So far, it's working.

As far as nursing goes, I'm not currently pursuing nursing -- I just took the one lifespan-psych class to see if I could handle school again. It was graded VERY easily so it wasn't the best barometer, I'm sure. I have applied to a nursing program up here but I won't find out until june and I really don't think I will get in anyway. So I haven't taken anything like Anatomy, or even Chem or anything. So I'm totally worthless in that respect!