Sunday, October 15, 2006

Weekend Blues

So, I worked last night and was informed that one of my favorite Charge nurses is leaving us. She has had enough with our directors and their BS and has decided to take leave of SAMC. She is going back to Victory Hospital in Waukegan...take care Tracy, we'll miss you and your non-Nazi Charge RN ways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I went to church at my old church. St. John the Baptist in Johnsburg, IL. Now, except for my girlfriends wedding, last October, I haven't been to mass at that church in quite sometime. But I was informed by both my mother and sister that the new priest was wonderful. So, I sat through 9am mass conducted by Father Watt this morning. During the processional, Dawn leaned over and informed me that he looks like Ben Franklin in the movie version of 1776, and indeed he does!!! Also, Father Watt likes to sing. So now I'm in mass over tired and a little warm and I have my mother saying "the turkey is a noble bird" and Dawn acting like she's holding a cane and doing the the little Ben Franklin dance from above such movie! Needless to say, I was very, very sleepy and started an uncontrollable fit of giggling!!!! I felt like a little kid again! Then I got the look from Rose, she was giving me the 'angry eyes' What did she expect? I'm flanked by two of you making me think of one of my favorite movies ever and picturing the singing priest signing the declaration of independence....hello? I know, I know I should be able to better behave myself while in church.

But, overall the church thing went well, I did like the priest and perhaps I'll continue to visit that chuch. And then we came home and Ralph made us all French toast for breakfast. Dawnie fixed my hair and then I was off to bed....snoozeville for the vampire.

I missed a first birthday party...sorry Kate and Maggie, I was napping!

Now it's time to dive back into the wonderful world of Psych. Big test number three this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome movie. I love it! Now i think I might have to come up and visit you one Sunday morning to check out this priest.
Good luck on your test.