Sunday, October 12, 2008

Engaged Encounter

Rockford, IL ....Bishop Lane Retreat Center

730 pm we check in, get room assignments and head to our rooms to unpack. A very tiny room with two beds, but I figure I'm first so I get to chose the bed first. I put all my stuff down, collect Dan and off to the retreat. It was not a bad weekend, just long. We had a series of lectures then "discussion questions" followed by "dialogue" Friday night didn't end until midnight, I had been up since 5 and I was exhausted. Off to bed we went.

I got to my room and realized I had forgotten my toothbrush....ewww I finger brushed my teeth in order to at least get them somewhat clean, and swished vigorously with mouthwash. My roommate decided she wanted to text her fiance all night long, no biggie, except her phone beeped with each depression of a key! Ugh!!!! Up early at 7am the next morning, I showered, pulled the same routine with my teeth, then added gum chewing to the mix. So, I felt totally gross, but then my roomie didnt' shower, and when she came out of the bathroom, she didn't wash her hands!!! I'll take dirty teeth over poopy hands any day of the week!

WE got a surprise visit when at the end of Saturday night the brought in some "extra priests" and we had surprise confession!!! Wow! It had been an awfully long time since I'd been to confession.....thank goodness we had a "review" I, like so many others were a bit lost.

All in all, it was a decent weekend, long, my butt was numb after the end of Saturday, but the last dialogue we did where we wrote a love letter to each other, really brought the whole thing home for us. We got home about 1030 last night and then I had to work this am....It's been a long weekend, but we're getting there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember the experience, and I remember at the end thining it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be!
Eewwww on the poopy hands! Don't you just hate it when you see people come out of the bathroom without washing. I always want to say something, but I always chicken out, but avoid wherever they are headed!