Monday, September 01, 2008

Summer's over

WEll, now that it's officially Labor Day, summer is officially over! Yuck yuck yuck.

I guess i knew that summer ended last week when I started school again. School started with a bang, 5 days for the first week! UGH!!!!!!!! But, then again....1 week down 15 left of the semester....36 left til I graduate!!! I know I'm a dork!

Wedding plans are in full swing, We're slightly over 4 did this happen? Now my next question I hire a second photographer to cover the portrait backdrop? Or do I let the one photographer I have handle it? I don't want to miss lots of dance shots, but I also want people to be able to have a nice portrait taken if that what they want to....hmmmm, decisions decisions. Any help would be appreciated. But other than that, things are moving well. We actually have another bridesmaid! We were short due to an unfortuanate circumstances, but Dan asked his very good friend Becca if she'd like to stand up for us and she agreed!

I put in for a days position at work, yeah...days 7am-7pm and I'm actually anxiously hopeing for it. My health has not been well and I'm trying to get into a very strong routine, which involves getting up at the same time every day! I'm up early in the morning for school, would make just as much sense to get up at the same time on the days I have to work rather than several hours later!

WEll, I'm off to the books I've got management, legal, and economic issuses to deal with! OH yeah!


Katers said...

I wouldn't get a 2nd photographer. Very few people actually "pose" for that formal portrait, let alone actually buy them. Also, how long is the photographer staying? After 1 hour of dancing, most of the photos tend to look the same, so perhaps he/she can take a specific time say 8 to 9, etc. and stay at the backdrop area. Just a suggestion...

Anonymous said...

I was going to say exactly what Kate just said, hmmm we must be related!

Good luck on your second to last semester of school!

Amy said...

Thanks ladies, I appreciate the input, and you brought me a new perspective. He's staying til 11 plenty of time!

Anonymous said...

ok so you were by me and not even a call. i just spent the past 2 weekends (well before last weekend) in kansas city, which took 4-5 hours from st louis for training on my new should have emailed me...anytime you can head this way we need to reconnect. I would love for our danimals to meet. luvs ya, miss you
---chrissy poo

Anonymous said...

the way my bff did it years ago was the back drop was set up in the hallway and those pics were taken when people were arriving and waiting on dinner and then her photographer was in the reception for capturing all the right moves on film :) hope this helps.....Oh yeah but they are pricy enough so I am with the ladies-ONLY BOOK one'll be surprised how many people pass pictures they have taken your way!!!!!
----chris (email me soon so i can get your number for the next time you're in MO)