Three weeks of Micro are down, and quite honestly, I don't hate it. I kind of like it....and I'm doing well! What more could I ask for?
Last weekend was a very busy one, I was invited to two graduation parties, two bachelorette parties, and a baptism...honestly, I made it to my girlfriend Brenda's bachelorette party
on Friday night, my best friend Mary's graduation party from Vet school on Saturday and that was it!

I opted to spend Sunday with Dan....just him and I, and it was wonderful. We went to the zoo and walked, looked at the animals, just chilled. What more could I ask for?
Our own wedding plans are in full swing. I think we have all the big stuff nailed down. Dress check, Photographer check, DJ check, church check, hall check, table decorations check, rehearsal dinner
booked check! We picked out our invitations, decided on bridal party gifts and parent gifts as well this past couple weeks. I know, I seem like an overacheiver, which I'm really not...I'm just trying to plan the fact that I won't be able to do much once school starts full swing again and my time is really limited, so if I get as much done as possible now....great!

Other than that....not much going on around here. Dan's in back playing guitar, I'm sitting here catching up on all the news that is my family and friends. Hope all is well..........