Current time: 5:35pm New Year's Eve. Current plans....relax with some movies and the Bears Game.
Although I had a couple offers/party plans tonight, due to the tough night at work last night and sheer lack of sleep today (who know's why I'm not sleeping) I've decided to turn down all invitations for a drunken New Year celebration, in order to relax on my couch in my jammies!
I've got movies, Bears vs. Packers, popcorn and beer...what more does a girl need???
Happy New Year All.....may 2007 be a happy and healthy one!!! I myself am very excited!!!!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
bat your eyes like this...and pucker your lips like this
Merry Christmas to all!!!!!!! Now that all the Christmas stuff is done. Ah...but this year was nice. It was the first year that I didn't have to work one of the Christmas days, which was very nice. We had a wonderful time with the Ryans on Christmas Eve and Karner's on Christmas day. Santa was very good to me!!! I got a gift certificate for an automatic start for my car!!! Yeah, no more climbing into a freezing cold car after 12 hours on my feet at the ER! Yeah, my car will finally be nice and toasty. In reference to the title, I'm currently watching my new copy of "The Little Mermaid" one of the classice Disney films ever made.
Now we look forward to New years. Now, in the past I've had several different New YEars escapades, many of which weren't really all that exciting because they usually involved working. I think my most memorable was seeing The Bodeans down as Navy Pier brining in the new year of '03. Last year sucked becuase I was newly single as of that morning. Now, we are ending yet another year. I think I'm going to spend the evening in Roscoe IL, with the Gorskis. What better way to spend the evening then with family and friends who love you!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has marvelous plans for the New Year!
Now we look forward to New years. Now, in the past I've had several different New YEars escapades, many of which weren't really all that exciting because they usually involved working. I think my most memorable was seeing The Bodeans down as Navy Pier brining in the new year of '03. Last year sucked becuase I was newly single as of that morning. Now, we are ending yet another year. I think I'm going to spend the evening in Roscoe IL, with the Gorskis. What better way to spend the evening then with family and friends who love you!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has marvelous plans for the New Year!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
"be gentle this time"
Many of you know I've started a new job at Good Shepherd ER as well as St. Alexius. It's very part time, like one shift a month. I figured it got me "in" the Advocate system, which will open some doors and possibilities once I graduate from nursing school. (Advocate owns many of the area hospital and several different trauma centers including...Good Samaritan, Lutheran General, Illinois Masonic, Christ. Lots of hospitals....good system.) So, I started working there sometime last month. I worked in the ER last night from 11pm-730 this morning. We had this beautiful little girl come in sick. Dad said she was vomiting all day and just not feeling any better. This poor little thing was very dehydrated and we had to start an IV. Sandie and I walked in to start the IV, explaining that we were going to put a straw into the tunnel in her arm under her skin, so we could put the water in. We told her there was going to be a prick and it was going to hurt for a little bit, but then it would go away. The poor thing says...."I'm gonna need a bandaid when you're done" So, we go to start the IV, and she is so dehydrated, the vein blows. We explain that we have to do it again because it didn't work. The nurse hands me the stuff and asks me to start the IV. Ok, this little peanut looks me straight in the eyes with her ginormous brown doe eyes and says..."be gentle this time ok?" Oh, my heart broke into a billion pieces. But, we got the IV and that little girl got her bandaid.
On a happier note, I joined the gym, yesterday . I joined the gym that is associated with Good Shepherd hospital. I went the other day and signed my life away for a one year commitment. But, I'm excited and we'll see how it goes. After I was given my membership card, the staff member asked me if I was going to go do my first workout this morning...I polity informed, I'm gonna go home and go to bed. But, I did do my first worlout this morning after work. I did a simple 25 minutes on the treadmill and then followed it up with 10 minutes on the bike. And, while I'm no where near running a marathon, or even a mile....I'll get in better shape. Let me just say how clean and nice the facilities are! Also, the staff nurse called me today to say she looked at my exercise and health questionarre and saw that I was diabetic. She informed me that there are free classes available for diabetics as well as a diabetes workout program made especially for diabetics, and would that be something I was interested in? That impressed me, that within 24 hours, a staff member reviewed my file and contacted me on how to best serve my needs.
Now, I have questions....shin splints and plantar!!!!!!!! I know how to stretch out the plantar fascia, but any ideas how to rid myself of it??? Also, shin splints ....what do I do about these?????
On a happier note, I joined the gym, yesterday . I joined the gym that is associated with Good Shepherd hospital. I went the other day and signed my life away for a one year commitment. But, I'm excited and we'll see how it goes. After I was given my membership card, the staff member asked me if I was going to go do my first workout this morning...I polity informed, I'm gonna go home and go to bed. But, I did do my first worlout this morning after work. I did a simple 25 minutes on the treadmill and then followed it up with 10 minutes on the bike. And, while I'm no where near running a marathon, or even a mile....I'll get in better shape. Let me just say how clean and nice the facilities are! Also, the staff nurse called me today to say she looked at my exercise and health questionarre and saw that I was diabetic. She informed me that there are free classes available for diabetics as well as a diabetes workout program made especially for diabetics, and would that be something I was interested in? That impressed me, that within 24 hours, a staff member reviewed my file and contacted me on how to best serve my needs.
Now, I have questions....shin splints and plantar!!!!!!!! I know how to stretch out the plantar fascia, but any ideas how to rid myself of it??? Also, shin splints ....what do I do about these?????
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Where do I start????

Pics of 6th annual Ryan pub crawl
It's been too long. Do I blame the end of the school year, starting of a second job or just plain laziness? I'm probably gonna have to go with the third answer. So, here it goes....
I'm sitting here this morning thinking of the past couple weeks. So, lets recap...
6th annual Ryan pub crawl....oh so much fun, dancing, drinking, laughter, and, I made it through the night without one single cigarette! Yeah me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
School's ending. I take my last test for my horrible psych class this coming monday. All I can say is thank God it's over. Next month I start Anatomy. Another busy class, but much more interesting then developmental psychology. Did anyone like that class? Meg, what were your thoughts??
I'm filling out my applications for nursing school. Everything is due by February 1st. I hope I can get in. Say a prayer, wish me luck....whatever it takes!!!!!
Love life....still dormant. I went out with a guy a couple weeks ago, kind of a hey, we're all going out why don't you join know the perpetual "hook up" Problem being, I didn't know I was being hooked up until about an hour before hand. Now, granted I knew this person and had known him for a couple years, nice guy, very cute, but relatively dumb when it comes to girls and not all that quick on the uptake. I just wasn't expecting my girlfriend to say..."hey aim, why don't you date mark...." yeah, thats pretty much how it went. needless to say, mark is a clueless ass... we had a good night and things were going ok until...he asked me if i wanted to go over to the Red Roof in to "scratch an itch." Yeah, thats exactly what he said. What an ass. Let's just say I probably won't be talking to mark any time soon.
In early november I started a new second job at another local ER. I'm working there very part time. But, I'm having a hell of a time getting my schedule together. At first, HR didn't schedule me for orientation properly, so...I only went to one day rather than 4! Ooops....but all was well my boss determined that it was HR's fault and not me being a dumbass. Then I got scheduled for orientation earlier this month and went to about 2 hours worth. I had worked the night befoe at the other ER and left with my eye all red and swollen again. yep, I had orbital cellulitis again!!!! In the same eye! I left early and called to doctor to get a prescription and find out what the heck is going on! So, needless to say I didn't finish orientation this month either. So, I wasn't really sure if I was going to have a job or not. Friday afternoon, I received a phone call that said, yes, I have a job but I must go to orientation in January. Now, I have to rearrange my schedule for my "real job" all around in order to attend orientation which is just a bunch of sitting and listening. It's so hard to stay awake!!!!!!!!!!! But, I want to keep this job because they have a gym and spa which is directly en route to my other job, therefore I have to pass it at least 6 times per week. Plus the membership dues are payroll deducted, so...I'm gonna take advantage of that perk. Get fit is definitely a 2007 goal!!!!
Well, I guess thats all for now. I'll have to be a better blogger!!! :)
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