July....went by like a speeding train. Microbiology is over! Ended with a B, can't complain about that.
August started out with a bang. August 2nd was Ray and Annie's wedding, as always a good time had by all. And for Dan and I a big sigh of relief....our weddings for 2008 are over!!! Unfortunately we were unable to party with the Ryans post wedding because I had to be at work at 11am Sunday morning. Although I wasn't drinking all night, I felt like crap at work!
Tuesday August 5, Dan and I loaded the car and headed west, southwest, a little of both? Who konws.....anyway...we drove to Kansas City, MO so that Dan could audition for American Idol. We arrived at Kemper arena at 4:15 am on Wednesday. What a zoo!!! We waited in line for 4.5 hours to register, we were handed a wristband and a ticket and informed to return at 5 am on Friday...but also told the sooner you got there the better your seats.

3:30 am Friday August 8th we are in line for the American Idol auditions. 8 am they open the doors and let us in to our seats. Holy cow were there a lot of people!!! The audition process was long and tedious, and they don't inform you that you won't even see Randy, Paula and Simon for a while. It turns out there are 4 rounds of auditions. Those three are the 4th round. If you get the coveted golden ticket....you come back for round 2 another day, then so on and so forth....you don't even know if you're going to Hollywood for months! Personally I thought the whole audition process was unorganized and I felt they didnt' give us the whole truth ever! But....thats Hollywood. Dan sang Broadway by the Goo Goo Dolls, he was informed that he was a very good singer but not quite what the show was looking for. So....we did not get the golden ticket. Oh well. We packed up and headed home, got home about 5:15 am on Saturday.
This video was Dan lip singing to the group song in order to save his voice for his actual audition. The judges were watching us so he was "gettin it to it"