Tuesday, October 30, 2007

will it ever be right?

Went for blood work today, got a phone call about 2 hours ago. INR is 5.8!!! Way too high. They want me between 2 and 3! So, no coumadin tonight or tomorrow. More blood work on Thursday, which throws a little bit of a cramp in my style.

You see, since I'm on the road to recovery, I decided to head to Dan's Wednesday afternoon after my Medication test at school. Now, I have to delay that decision and head down a day later. Not too big of a deal, just less time with Dan. Oh well....we're used to it right? :)

Happy day to all of you!!!!

1 comment:

McGuff said...

That does suck Amy but it is worth it to get your blood work right!! Keep the updates coming. Did you get my emails about the dresses?